
Have You Ever Felt Like You're Not from This Planet?

Would You Like to Life to Be Easier on This Planet?

Starseed Activations Video Classes

Would You Like to Know Where You're From?

Would You Like to Raise Your Vibration to Accelerate Your Ascension and the Ascension of the Entire Planet?

Would You Like to Be Able to Access Your Spiritual Gifts and Abilities?

If so...

Join Macaya Macaya Miracle for a 6 Week Livestream Series for

Starseed Activations for Healing and Guidance

This is For YOU If

  • You've Ever Felt Like You're Not From This Planet
  • You've Ever Felt Like Everybody Else Knows What They're Doing and You Don't
  • You've Ever Felt Like You Have a Hard Time Fitting in with this Reality
  • You Want to Connect with Greater Guidance from Other Star Systems
  • You Know You're a Starseed and Would Like to Experience More of That Connection

In These Accelerated Light Healing Livestreams You Will

Starseed Activations Livestream Series
  • Learn Where Your Home Planet Is
  • Remember Your Purpose Here on This Planet
  • Activate Your Spiritual Gifts and Abilities
  • Receive Attunements to 2 Energy Healing Systems That You Can Use for Healing Yourself and Others
  • Increase Your Intuitive Abilities
  • Receive Guidance from the Master Beings of All the Starseed Races
  • Learn to Trust Yourself
  • And so much more...

When You Receive These Activations You Will

Starseed Activations Livestream Series
  • Increase Your Intuitive Abilities
  • Have Your 6th Dimensional DNA Activated
  • Align Your Energy with Your Infinite Source Template
  • Learn How to Channel the Energies of Sacred Geometry for Healing Yourself and Others
  • Activate Your Divine Feminine Energies
  • Learn How to Channel the Arcturian Healing Energies for Healing Yourself and Others
  • Step into Infinite Bliss, Love and Joy Being Your Natural State
  • Become Attuned to the Infinite Love and Light from the Divine Feminine
  • And so much more...

Here's What People are Saying

Dear Macaya:

"I have felt like I have been in spiritual and energetic prison for years.  Thanks to your class, I feel like I've been reborn and am getting my life back.

I am soooooooooo grateful to you!"

-Ann, USA

"I can completely breathe into my lungs now!"

-Sydney B., UK

"WOW Macaya, now I know I was meant to take this class!!!! Thank you so very much for offering the livestreams! My back and spine were hurting before I did them, and it hasn't since. I have had low back pain for 35 years, and it was hurting bad when I did your livestream, now NO pain at all, and my back feels stronger again!

I cannot tell you how far in debt I was... going to Chiropractors and for acupuncture, NONE of which ever gave me relief, only for a day or two!!!! I wish I knew about your work years ago. 

Thank you Macaya for your Blessed healing work."

-Karen C., USA

"It feels like I'm more complete, like something was missing and now it's back. Like something was gone and now I have more of myself!"

-S.R., Singapore

Here's What You'll Experience

Class 1
Activate Your Connection to the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light and the 5th Dimension

Pleiadian Starseed Activation
  • Become Attuned to Infinite Bliss, Infinite Love and Infinite Joy Being Your Natural State
  • Learn to Be and Receive Infinite Love in All Time
  • Receive Guidance from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light (The Beings who Hold the Records of Everything Past, Present and Future for All of Earth - Including You!)

Class 2
Activate Your Connection to the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and the 6th Dimension

Sirian Starseed Activation
  • Recieve a Sacred Geometry Activation that will Allow you to Channel the Healing Energies of the Sacred Geometric Shapes for Healing
  • Experience a 6th Dimensional Sacred Geometric DNA Activation
  • Receive Guidance from the Siran Archangelic League of the Light (the Holders of Sacred Geometric Light Codes and the Morphogenetic Field - Field of All Ideas and Possibilities)

Class 3
Activate Your Connection to the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of Light and the 7th Dimension

Andromedan Starseeds Activation
  • Align Your Energy with Your Infinite Source Template
  • Experience the Rainbow Light of the 7th Dimension
  • Receive Guidance from the Andromedan Intergalactic Beings of Light (bringers of high vibrational templates)

Class 4
Activate Your Connection to the Orion Elders of the Brotherhood of Light and the 8th Dimension

Orion Starseeds Activation
  • Experience and Remember the History of and Intention for Why Our Galaxy Was Created which will Allow You to Remember Your Purpose
  • Accelerate Your Ascension
  • Receive Guidance from the Orion Elders of the Brotherhood of Light (the keepers of the Light Codes and Guides of the Ascended Masters)

Class 5
Activate Your Connection to the Arcturian Emissaries of Light and the 9th Dimension

Arcturian Starseed Activation
  • Become Attuned to the Arcturian Healing Energies (one of the most powerful healing energies available on this planet, Macaya uses them in everything he does)
  • Upgrade your Energy Systems
  • Receive Guidance from the Arcturian Emissaries of Light (the most technically advanced race in our galaxy)

Class 6
Activate Your Connection to the Lyrans and the 11th Dimension

Lyran Starseed Activation
  • Balance and Activate the Divine Feminine Energies Inside You
  • Open Yourself to Receiving Infinite Love and Light
  • Receive Guidance from the Lyrans (the beings who seeded the Genetic Material for all the Starseed Races including Humans)

And when you Sign Up Today, you will also receive

2 Bonus Accelerated Light Healing MP3s

Bonuses for Starseed Activations Livestream Series

Bonus #1

Find Your Soul's Name

( a $55 value )

In this Accelerated Light Healing Experience you will connect with your Soul's Essence and Learn What Your Soul's name is.  The name that has traveled with you from lifetime to lifetime since your Soul was birthed.

When Macaya first experienced this journey, everything in his life changed for the better!!!  He instantly felt like more of who he is as an Infinite Being.


Bonus #2

Meet Your Master Guide 

( a $55 value )

In this Accelerated Light Healing Experience you will go on a journey to Meet Your Master Guide.  A being who has been with you for many life times and lives in a place far beyond your normal spirit guides.  

You will also receive guidance and a healing activation from your Master Guide and Learn How to Connect with Your Master Guide whenever you would like to receive healing and guidance.


Here's What You'll Get

Livestream Video Activations

Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle

Livestream Video Activations

Lifetime Access to the Recordings of Each Livestream

MP3 Download

Bonus MP3: Find Your Soul's Name

MP3 Download

Bonus MP3: Meet Your Master Guide

Is It Finally Time to Activate Your Spiritual Gifts and Shine Your Light?

If So, Join Us!!!

Click a Button Below to Register!!!

1 Payment of


( a $100 savings )

  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3s:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3s:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

2 Monthly Payments of


( a $50 savings )

  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

5 Monthly Payments of



  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)



If you are one of the Next 10 People to sign up by

Wednesday September 30th at 12 PM Pacific Time

You will receive a

30 Minute Personal Session with Macaya Miracle

In a personal session we can quickly and easily get to the bottom of what's not allowing you to have everything in the life you'd like to live, whether it be health, finances, friendships and romantic relationships, your spiritual gifts and more, clear our your blocks and step you in to the life you'd like to be having.

We can get so much done in 30 Minutes!!!

These Sessions Will Sell Out.

Don't Miss Out...

If you'd like a personal session with me, Click and Register Today 

Because You Deserve It!!!

1 Payment of


( a $100 savings )

  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3s:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3s:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

2 Monthly Payments of


( a $50 savings )

  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

5 Monthly Payments of



  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)
Macaya Miracle - Interdimensional Shamanic Energy Healer

Macaya Miracle
Master Energy Healer

These 75 Minute Livestreams will be facilitated by

Macaya Miracle
Co-creator of Accelerated Light Healing 

September 30th

October 7th
October 14th
October 21st
November 4th
November 11th

3 PM Pacific Time | 6 PM  Eastern Time | 11 PM BST

Is It Finally Time to Access All of Your Spiritual Gifts and Abilities?

If So, Join Us!!!

Click a Button Below to Register!!!

1 Payment of


( a $100 savings )

  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3s:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3s:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

2 Monthly Payments of


( a $50 savings )

  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

5 Monthly Payments of



  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

Frequently Asked Questions


Will I Be Able to Ask Queustions on the Livestreams?

Yes!  If you join us live you will be able to chat in your questions during the livestream.  If you can't make it live, you can e-mail your questions in between each sessions and I will answer them on the next livestream.

Will I Receive the Recordings of Each Livestream?

Yes!!!  I will post the videos of each livestream within 24 hours of each event.  You will have lifetime access to the videos!


What if I Can't Make it Live?

Still Sign Up!!!  Receiving the Clearings, Healing Energies, and Activations is just as effective from watching the recordings as if you were there live.


What do I need to Join the Livestreams?

All you need is a computer or a smart phone with internet access to join the livestreams.  We will be using Zoom for the livestreams.


Is It Finally Time to Shine Your Light and Accelerate Your Ascension?

If So, Join Us!!!

Click a Button Below to Register!!!

1 Payment of


( a $100 savings )

  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3s:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3s:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

2 Monthly Payments of


( a $50 savings )

  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

5 Monthly Payments of



  • Six 75 Minute Livestreams with Macaya Miracle
  • Lifetime Access to the Videos of Each Livestream
  • Bonus MP3:  Find Your Soul's Name (INSTANT ACCESS)
  • Bonus MP3:  Meet Your Master Guide (INSTANT ACCESS)

Copyright 2020 Macaya Miracle
