
How Do You Know if You’re a Starseed? 21 Characteristics of Starseed

There are so many people on this planet who actually aren’t from this planet! Are you one of them? Here’s how to know. You may resonate with one or many of these Starseed Characteristics.

1. You’ve always had an inner wisdom since you were young that other people don’t seem to be able to access until later in life.

2. People tell you you’re an old soul.

3. You have a deep longing to go home all the time. You may not know where that is, and it’s not a home on this planet. It can even be painful.

4. You’ve always felt different from the other people in this world. Like people don’t understand you.

5. You look at the world and don’t understand how or why other people act the way they do.

6. You have an overwhelming sense of empathy.

7. You feel like you know a better way for humans to live on this planet.

8. People just naturally open up to you. They say “I just feel so comfortable talking to you.”

9. You have a natural inclination for healing.

10. You are sensitive to Energy.

11. You feel like everybody else knows what they’re doing and you don’t.

12. You feel Love for all beings and it hurts when you see people not loving each other, animals or the Earth.

13. You’re intuitively aware of things that other people are not.

14. You Love Sacred Geometry.

15. You know you’re on this planet to do big things.

16. Your ideas about how to live life are different than how society tells people be.

17. Your sleep schedule is different than other people’s. You may have a tendency to like to be awake later in the night.

18. You have strong inclinations towards creative expression.

19. You Love crystals.

20. You spend your time raising your consciousness with things like Meditation, Energy Healing, Ascension Teachers, Classes, etc.

21. You feel connected to a certain Star or Constellation.

If you resonate with some or all of these, there’s a good chance you are a starseed. Once you know this, you can use that information to be empowered to create an even more amazing life here on this planet!!! Starseeds came to the Earth to help Humanity ascend and create the lifestyle that they lived on their home planet here on Earth.

If you’d like to feel more connected with your Starseed Origins and be connected to the Guidance and Healing you have available from All the Starseed Races, Join us for the 6 Week Livestream Series

Starseed Activations for Healing and Guidance

Click Here to Learn More about the Class!!!

by Macaya Miracle
Macaya Miracle

Macaya Miracle is an Energy Healer and Teacher from California. He is the Co-creator of Accelerated Light Healing. A system of Energy Healing that can make changes in your body, mind, emotional state and spiritual development instantaneously. Macaya Facilitates one-on-one Healing Sessions over Zoom and holds live in-person and online classes in Energy Healing and Accelerating Your Ascension. Get Your FREE Ascension Activation MP3<a href="https://macayamiracle.com/5D-Ascension"Get Your FREE Ascension Activation MP3 Donate to Macaya Miracle Have a Session with Macaya Miracle More Free Healing Activations on Macaya's Youtube Channel Facebook Contact Infinite Bliss and Joy to You!!! Macaya Miracle Co-creator of Accelerated Light Healing Macaya Miracle
