
ERICH – The Clearing Tool in Infinite Miracle Healing

Use this tool to Clear Your Limiting Beliefs and Old Emotions in Less Than 10 Seconds

ERICH is an energetic key to

E - Extend
R - Release
 I - Integrate
C - Clear
H - Harmonize

R & C - Release and Clear all the heavy, dense, stuck energies of thoughts, feelings, emotions, lies, stories, limitations, judgements and conclusions from your physical and energies bodies

E - Extend all of that to Everything it's related to, Everywhere you may have taken it on from, Everyone connected with it, Everywhere you're unwilling to let it go, Unlock everywhere you locked any and all of it in to your body 

I - Integrate any parts and pieces of you you may have lost, pushed away or denied whenever you experienced trauma this lifetime and any other lifetime or reality.  Integrate any awarenesses you were unwilling to be aware of whenever you experienced trauma this lifetime and any other lifetime or reality. 

H - Harmonize all your energetic and physical bodies to vibrate at a new higher level instantly



We run VIRTUAL RESET after a clearing to reset all of reality so reality stops creating itself from everything you Cleared and Released with ERICH and it starts creating itself from everything you Integrated and Harmonized with ERICH so change happens really really fast!


Ways to Clearing Limiting Beliefs and Old Emotions

Here are some easy ways to use the ERICH and VIRTUAL RESET tools.

"Everything I've decided about <   INSERT BELIEF   >, ERICH.  VIRTUAL RESET."

"Everything that allows me to be affected by <   INSERT THING   >, ERICH.  VIRTUAL RESET."


If you want to learn about the Legacy RICH and RACE tools from Accelerated Light Healing, click here.
