
The Healing Activations of Christ Livestreams

The Healing Activations of Christ

Class 1
Living in Infinite Joy and Bliss

Home Play for Class 1

Once a Day at the same time every day say out loud
"I am one with everything which includes me!"

Experience the feeling and breathe with it for anywhere from 10 seconds to as long as you would like.

Class 2
Living in Ascended Mastery

Your home play for Class 2 ... Manifest Something!!!

Become clear on what you desire to manifest, and then once a day (preferably at the same time each day) state your intention and go in to the feeling state of having that thing in your life.  Breath with it for 10 seconds - 2 minutes or longer if you like.  The first time you do it, after you state your intention say "Everything that wouldn't allow that, RICH.  Everything that is, RACE.  REALITY RESET."

Class 3
Living in 12D

Homeplay for Class #3
Spend time in the 12th Dimension every day.  

Get into a quiet meditative state.  See the door with the number 12 on it.  Open the door.  Step inside.  Spend 5+ minutes experiencing the energies.  When you're finished, find the door with the number 12 on it, step out of it and close it behind you.

Class 4
Living in the Healing Powers of Christ

Homeplay for Class #4

Use the Christ Healing Energies once a day for the next week.  
You can use them on your self, on others, while you're meditating or when you're going to sleep.

To Activate the Energies Say:
I connect to <   INSERT PERSON'S NAME   >. (only if working on someone else)
Healing Chamber, On.
Christ Healing Energies, On.

Class 5
Living in Acceptance and Allowance

Click Here to Download the MP3 )

Your Homeplay for Class #5

Once a day ask this question:

"What can I change that if I changed it would change my entire life?"

Class 6
Living in Christ Consciousness

(​ Click Here to Download the MP3 )

Your Homeplay for Class #6

Once a day:

Activate the Healing Chamber by saying "Healing Chamber, On."

Activate the Christ Healing Energies by saying "Christ Healing Energies, On."

Expand all the way out to Infinite Consciousness.

Ask this question: "What is Infinite Compassion?"

And breathe with it for 1 - 10 minutes (or more if you like)
